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Our Values

At St Paul's we have a core value for each term, these underpin everything that we do:

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Term 5

Term 6


‘Togetherness’ is a very important value to start the year. We encourage the children to make new friends and do things together to find out about each other’s interests and to work as a team.


‘Safety’ is the value that we highlight in term 2. We emphasise ways in which we can keep ourselves and each other safe in every day life and when we are online. 


At St Paul’s, we encourage all children to be resilient, whether it be in their academic learning or social experiences. Resilience plays a major part in getting our children to be independent learners.

Growth and Change

‘Growth and change’ is all about how we have grown and developed throughout the year or during our time at school. We think back to times when we couldn’t do something and talk about how we have grown to be able to do it now. This value also comes along at the beginning of Spring, giving us a good opportunity to talk about how the world around us is changing too.



‘Respect’ is an important life value and one that we like to encourage our children to adopt. The staff at St Paul’s model respect for each other on a daily basis and encourage the children to do the same in this term and throughout the year. 



The value of ‘Aspiration’ is a great way to end the academic year. It teaches the children to reach for their goals and to dream big. Aspiration is a great word to teach our young children. It encourages them to think about what they aspire to be able to do short term and long term. 


St Pauls Infant School

Hillary Road, Penenden Heath, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 2BS

01622 753322